“Cotton Vagina” is a feeling of dryness when in a condition of high at the time of intercourse. This is a serious problem for women. Science says the more weed you smoke, the dryer your vagina will be.

It is similar to the mouth actually. Your shiny spot can become dehydrated as well. A survey done with 8,650 Australians regarding this topic of dryness of the vagina and smoking weed, helped the researchers to find a connection that they were searching for. If a certain type of marijuana gets your mouth dry, it is logical that the walls of the vagina are two times drier than that. This correlation is proportional to the amount of the THC ingredient in the marijuana you are consuming.
A doctor, Julie Holland, also an author on many books on this topic, says that the problem of the drying of the membranes is quite similar to the dryness you experience in your mouth.
Still, you should not give up that nighttime relaxing before having all the fun. Just make sure you have coconut oil on your nightstand, suggests Dr. Julie. This will help with hydration and moisture and you can be sure that everything will run as smooth as possible.