Most of the women on the planet had a problem with cellulite in one period of their life. This annoying condition usually appears on women’s thighs and hips and it is a result of unhealthy lifestyle and genetics.

If you want to get rid of the cellulite from your body, you can do that with one ingredient you already have in your home – apple cider vinegar.
Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is rich in calcium, potassium, magnesium and a lot of other minerals that helps in stimulating circulation and elimination of excess fluids.
ACV has a lot of healing properties and it’s been known since ancient Rome, Greece, and Egypt. It stimulates weight loss, reduces cellulite and prevents bloating. There is a mixture that you can prepare at home and you will need one part of apple cider vinegar with two parts of water. Mix the altogether on the affected area and let it act for 30 minutes. After that, rinse it off with warm water.
Just repeat this treatment twice a day and cellulite will disappear. There is also one other treatment that will eliminate cellulite. Mix one part of apple cider vinegar with one part of water. Rub the mixture on the place with cellulite. Put plastic wrap over it and apply a warm towel over it and let it stay for one hour. Rinse it with lukewarm water.
Do this until the cellulite is gone. And if you want to lose weight, mix two tablespoons of ACV with one teaspoon of honey. Take the mixture twice a day until you get the results you want.