Healthy Teeth Treats: 15 Nutritious Foods To Have A Strong Set Of Teeth

When flashing a happy smile, the first thing that people usually notice is our teeth. That’s why it’s ideal to have a healthy set of white teeth to make you more confident when showing a pleasant gesture. The most effective ways in keeping our pearly whites in top shape are regular tooth brushing and flossing.

Healthy Teeth Treats: 15 Nutritious Foods To Have A Strong Set Of Teeth


Another way is to avail a teeth cleaning service, which thoroughly gets the dirt out in between places that are hard to reach. If you happen to lose a lot of your teeth already, then you can spend on dentures to bring back a confident smile.


However, maintaining the health of our teeth doesn’t have to be so much costly. One of the best ways, besides brushing the teeth, is to eat nutritious foods that are known to make our teeth strong. And with that said, here are 15 healthy foods you may want eat.


  1. Oranges


Loaded with calcium, vitamins, and mineral, this citrus fruit makes the bones and teeth healthy and strong. Those who are lactose intolerant can safely consume oranges to acquire the necessary everyday calcium coming dairy products.


  1. Cheese


Cheese is good for teeth in more ways than one. It is rich in calcium, which bonds with the plaque and gets in the teeth. This prevents acid formations that may cause damage to the tooth and regenerates the tooth enamel straightway.


  1. Onions


Although they give an unpleasant smell, onions, when eaten raw, provide an impenetrable shield against bacteria. This vegetable contains an antimicrobial component that prevents cavities and gum diseases. And the good news, you can easily put in your burgers, sandwiches, and salads, or in stews and soups.


  1. Crunchy Fruits


Crunchy fruits such as apples, carrots, and cucumbers, are good for teeth in two ways. The first is that they gently brush the teeth as the food is chewed, getting rid of sugars, acids, and bacteria. The second is that the motion of chewing produces more saliva, which washes out the detritus in the teeth produced.


  1. Foods rich in Vitamin D


This vitamin is critical to the body because it helps the body absorb calcium. People mainly get it from direct exposure to sunlight. However, foods contain vitamin D as well, including fish like tuna and salmon, fortified dairy products and cereals, cheese, and egg yolks.


  1. Foods rich in Vitamin C


This vitamin is essential due to its anti-inflammatory effects, as well as being a component of collagen, which prevents gum diseases. Vitamin C can be found in vegetables and fruits such as broccoli, kale, bell peppers, strawberries, and oranges, to name a few.


  1. Ginger


Quite impossible to believe, but ginger promotes wellness of the teeth and mouth. It is loaded with anti-inflammatory properties that make tissues in the mouth healthy, preventing gum diseases.


  1. Milk and other dairy products


Milk and other dairy products (plain yogurt, butter, ice cream) not only contain calcium but also phosphorous that is needed by the teeth. According to the Health Encyclopedia of the University of Rochester Medical Center, these food items help provide sufficient minerals that the teeth may have lost after eating other kinds of foods.


  1. Green and Black Teas


Both kinds of teas contain polyphenol, a substance that either kills or prevents bacteria from forming and doing their damage to the teeth. Moreover, drinking a cup of tea can supply a good source of fluoride, but it depends on what type of water you use in brewing the tea.


  1. Dark Leafy Greens


Dark leafy greens, like spinach, kale, and celery, need to be broken down by the teeth to release the benefits of the fiber they contain. These vegetables produce saliva, which washes away the acids and bacteria. They also lightly scrub the teeth, thoroughly cleaning them.


  1. Sesame Seeds


They may be very small, but sesame seeds have more to offer other than making bread taste good. These seeds are packed with calcium, which makes the teeth and other bones in the body strong and healthy. Furthermore, sesame seeds break down the plaque buildup and help in developing tooth enamel.


  1. Water


The best mouth cleaner there is, water also helps produce saliva, keeps you hydrated, and washes away the effluvia of food consumption.


  1. Sugar-Free Chewing Gums


If you love chewing a bubble gum after meals but too worried about damaging the teeth, then go for a sugar-free gum. Why? Primarily because it is specially made with components that prevent damage to the teeth. This type of chewing gum has a sugar alternative that stops bacteria from degrading the tooth enamel. Aside from strengthening the teeth, chewing this gum is also a form of exercise for your to strengthen your jaw.


  1. Kiwi


A fruit rich in vitamin C, kiwi has a number of dental and oral benefits. Some of them include boosting the amount of collagen in the gums, strengthening the gums, preventing gum infections, and promoting fast healing.


  1. Cocoa


Did this blow you off? Apparently, this common ingredient in chocolate-flavored treats actually brings benefits to the teeth. Cocoa is packed with components that stop tooth damage and lessen gum inflammation. This gives you a very good reason to eat dark chocolates. Besides the prevention of tooth decays, dark chocolates also make you happier.


Points to Remember


Timing is everything. When you have the desire to consume sugary foods, eat them with a meal. The body produces more saliva when the body anticipates a large meal. This will wash away most of the acids, sugars, and bacteria in the mouth.


If you snack between meals (diabetics, for example, must do this), then chew sugarless gum afterward. It increases the production of saliva, which eliminates the acids, sugar component, and bacteria in the mouth. Gargling of mouthwash can also help in washing out other bad elements in the mouth.