There is a new dental discovery that will amaze you, especially if you have dental implants.

There are some new findings when it comes to dental implants that will leave classic implants in the past. Scientists say that these new discoveries will help people grow new teeth, which is simply amazing.
When it comes to people who are deserved for these findings, the lead expert was Dr. Jeremy Mao of Columbia University. This scientist built scaffold for teeth that have the stem cells in the body. This helped in the regeneration of new teeth with just a bit of the DNA. This means a great change in the field of dental care.
With this modern technology, we will be able to grow our own teeth in just nine weeks. This also means that we won’t have to go to the dentist for the painful and lengthy process of tooth extraction, and for nine weeks you will be able to grow one new tooth.
But first, this device needs to be placed in the body and accepted by it. Dr. Mao claims that the tooth is replaced with stem cells from the body, and the tooth merges with the tissue that surrounds it. This all means fast and painless recovery.
The only bad thing is that this procedure is not available yet, so you will have to wait until it is fully available.