When interpreting dreams it most often comes down to mysticism: prophecies, dreamers, fear from the “unknown”. Research shows us that we should not fear what is going on in our subconscious “I”. Dreams always bring us positive message how to deal with life challenges in reality.

All of us dream, every night. Only sometimes we don’t remember our dreams, or the dreams seem to us as strange and incomprehensible images. But, everything that happens in our dreams, however frightening or inconceivable it is, brings us a message that could help us to live with more meaningful and more creative life.
We can draw a parallel between intuition and dreams, it is “one-of-a-kind” dialogue between the conscious and the unconscious. The more we develop it, the better we get to know ourselves. We shouldn’t think of the unconscious as something strange and dangerous because dreams are based on our experiences, our feelings and attitudes. What we cannot usually resolve in reality, is usually shown within our dreams. Worries, fears, conflicts, doubts, as well as unwanted emotions and characteristics we repress: selfishness, aggressiveness, uncontrolled sexual desires…
Instead of running from it, we can learn how to utilize the speech of our dreams in solving our problems. Techniques of dreams’ analysis can help us with this, that we can implement by ourselves to better understand what is our subconscious “I” telling us.
Dreams analysis
It is good to analyze a dream on objective and subjective basis. Objective basis would mean to understand something literally. For example if you have a dream that your tooth is wobbling, perhaps it is really a message connected to your health. Subjectively, you might ask yourself if something in your life is unstable, whether you should fix it, or let it “fall out”.
The technique of identification t is exceptionally important – you enter your imagination as a person or an object from your dreams, and describe your experience from the point of view of that role. You can think about a dialogue with the person/object (who are you, where do you come from, why did you appear in my dream…) and answer your questions in first person.
You can also try out the technique for dreams incubation. Write down what worried to and kept you busy during the day, and afterwards write down the question you want an answer to. It is like an exercise, and after awhile dreams can give you an answer.
Typical example of dreams
Dreams are based on the person’s feelings and experiences. Therefore the dreams cannot be interpreted generally like the examples in the dream books, in which every symbol has a universal meaning. However, there are some dreams that are like prototypes. Example: A dream in which we cannot move, most often means that something is stopping us from reaching our goals. Flying can be a symbol of freedom. Often, problems can be presented with vehicles. Dreams about death can mean a death of a certain belief or a relationship. Birth can mean a new direction in life. In reality relationship to money is similar to the one to love. So, dreams of money can be connected to love situation like being possessive or not.
How to understand what dreams tell us
Write down your dreams right after you wake up. Write without censorship. Mention every detail, everything you think of. Describe it in present time. Respond to the following questions intuitively, without analyzing.
- How would you call the dream if it was a book or a movie?
- What is the basic mood in the dream, what is the environment?
- How do you feel in the dreams? Do you sometimes feel like that in real life?
- How did you act in your dream, what did you do, what did you not do? What is the reason and how it affected the dream?
- How is your behavior similar to the one in reality? Are you a passive watcher?
- How would you change your behavior if you could have the dream again?
- Find more solutions or possible endings of the dream.
- What is the message?
- What part of your life this dream relates to?
- If you don’t respond all the questions immediately, you can leave it for a few days and then underline meaningful phrases or verbs. “Aha – effect” often happens like this.