Have you got cellulite? You are not alone, and you shouldn’t be frustrated, because 90% of women population are affected by this cosmetic condition, even women who are fit and slender.

Cellulite is nothing more than extra fat beneath the skin and it’s not harmful for you. Skin appears bumpy because fat cells make constant pressure and stretching collagen fibers.
There are many reasons and factors whether or not you have cellulite:
- Hormone imbalance
- Diet and habits
- Dehydration
- Efficiency of burning energy
Getting rid of cellulite
Cosmetics treating skin on many ways, peeling is one of them. Peeling is abrasive method which removes dead skin cells and dirt.
Peeling treatment is very useful. Skin becomes very soft, cells are rejuvenated, and blood circulation is increased.
We will show you very easy and cost effective home treatment for getting rid of your cellulite stretch marks. This peeling treatment contains salt and sugar as main ingredients, and is very popular among people with cellulite problems.
- 250 g. of sugar
- 250 g. of salt
- 150 ml of palm oil
If you want to get fine mixture, mix all the ingredients together and allow the mixture to rest for half hour. After that mix the paste again. Now your peeling is ready to be used.
Peeling Treatment:
Be focused on the problematic skin regions. Do circular massages, for about 2-3 minutes. This peeling treatment is recommended to be done, every night before showering.
After showering, protect your skin with some body lotion or moisturizing cream.
First results will be noticed after a month of regular peeling treatments. Persistence and patience is very important, so don’t quit after the first positive effect.