Summer months are fun, but they also carry some danger, especially when it comes to vaginal infections. If you want to stay healthy and infection-free, try avoiding these 6 mistakes.

Yeast infections can happen when the concentration of fungi in the vagina is increased, and humid weather is causing that rise of fungi. If you avoid these six mistakes, you can preserve the vaginal health.
Bad Hygiene During Menstruation
Summer time can get pretty hot, so it is important to take extra care of your hygiene during menstruation. No matter if you use pads or tampons, you should change them every four hours, so your vagina will be clean.
Everything can irritate our skin and be a treat, according to Dr. Tony Long, a gynecologist at the Center for Women’s Health in La, California. The body can be sensitive to any product, so using different products can be helpful. Try using more natural pads and tampons in order to preserve the health of your vagina and skin.
Wet Swimsuit
If you spend a long time in the wet bathing suit, you are at the risk of developing of fungus. Wet swimsuit increase retention of moisture and heat, which makes a vaginal area a perfect place for bacteria growth. That means developing urinary infections and vaginitis.
Using Non-Cotton Underwear
The best thing you can do for your vaginal area is to wear a cotton underwear. Silk and other synthetic fabric are good at retaining moisture, and as opposite to that cotton allows your skin to breath. If you wear cotton underwear, you will avoid vaginal infections and development of fungi.
Sitting a Lot
If you have a job that requires a lot of sitting down, you are at the risk of fungal vaginal infection. When we seat a lot, temperature in certain places in our body increases, and that also mean reduced ventilation. Friction and heat can cause irritation which leads to infection.
Experts often recommend for girls to remove hair at least one day before going to a pool or the beach. Skin can be irritated by this process and in a combination with a chlorinated water, it can get even worse. Pores can get infected, as well as the skin. Dr. Baki recommends that people should have a proper care of their skin.
“I highly recommend women to properly maintain moisture genital area after removing the hair – the best in natural resources such as virgin olive oil” – she said.
Vaginal Rinsing
Many people don’t know, but vagina can clean itself through the natural secretion. So women often use harsh soaps and wet wipes that can irritate vaginal area and increase the risk of the vaginal infections. You should only use water when showering and when wipe uses cotton towel. In this way, your vaginal area will be clean and without any irritations.