This Amazing Pineapple Juice Removes Uric Acid and Reduces Joint Pain

This amazing smoothie can help you to get rid of uric acid and joint pain in just few steps

This Amazing Pineapple Juice Removes Uric Acid and Reduces Joint Pain


  • 2 inches of ginger
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 whole grapefruit
  • 1 cup of chopped pineapples
  • Water

Blend all the ingredients and drink the mixture every day before your meals.


Pineapple is extremely efficient at relieving joint pain. This fruit is rich with Bromelain, which has anti-inflammatory properties.  This natural approach have been used for decades by the traditional medicine, but now researchers confirm the pain-relieving properties of pineapple and the cellular mechanism behind it.

Cucumber has diuretic properties, which preventing kidney stones. Also, cucumber counter the effects of uric acid, which is reason for conditions like: gout, asthma and arthritis. It removes crystals from uric acid in joins, and alkalize your body.

Ginger reduce inflammation and detox your body

Grapefruit  contains ascorbic acid or vitamin C, which reduces joint pain.  Grapefruit is beneficial for osteoarthritis patients, because it is rich with calcium.