Don’t Throw Pineapple Peels, They Will Come in Handy: Here’s How

We all love pineapples and how they taste. This fruit is very healthy and it can help us with many conditions, such as a cough and bronchitis. But did you know that you can also use pineapple peels?

Don’t Throw Pineapple Peels, They Will Come in Handy: Here’s How

Pineapples are rich in vitamin C and manganese, and besides that, they contain dietary fiber and bromelain. Also, pineapple contains thiamin and vitamin B. A cup of pineapple pieces is only 82 calories, so you can eat it all you want.

Pineapple Health Properties

Anticancer Properties

Bromelain is great when it comes to fighting cancer. It can be used with chemotherapy and it suppresses cancer cell growth. Pineapples also contain beta-carotene, which protects colon and prostate.

Cataract Prevention

Because it is full of vitamin C, pineapple can have an important role when it comes to a vision protection.


Because pineapple is full of bromelain, it is great when it comes to fighting inflammations. You can use pineapples to eliminate sports injuries and become pain-free.

Healthy Heart

Vitamin C in pineapples is very helpful when it comes to fighting heart diseases. There are some studies from Finland and Chine that show how vitamin C can help in the prevention of coronary heart disease.


Full of vitamins, copper, beta-carotene, folic acid and zinc, and almost all of these compounds are helpful when it comes to increasing fertility in men and women.


Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, the pineapple will be able to prevent and fight osteoarthritis.


There are many studies that show how beta-carotene inside of pineapples can (when converted to vitamin A during the process of digestion) can treat asthma.

Recipe for Pineapple Juice

You will need:

  • 1 l of filtered water
  • 1 whole pineapple with its peels
  • Sweetener for taste


Wash pineapple peel and then peel the pineapple peel, separate the shell and remove the fruit and the crown.

Put a pineapple shell with some pineapple pulp in a pot and boil it. Leave it to cool down and dilute with a liter of water. Add sweetener to improve the taste and then just strain it. Enjoy!