This Mighty Honey Wrap Treats Bad Cough And Removes Mucus From The Lungs In Just One Night!

Coughs and colds are minor illnesses that we should not worry about, but sometimes they can be really irritating. So irritating that can lead to lack of concentration and few sleepless nights.

This Mighty Honey Wrap Treats Bad Cough And Removes Mucus From The Lungs In Just One Night!

Most people take syrups to deal with this problem, but it not the best choice because all they do is suppressing the pathway of signals in the brain that triggers severe coughing. Often, these medicines contain codeine and dextromethorphan, causing side effects like headache, drowsiness, and rapid heartbeat.

If you are searching for the ideal solution, then Honey Wrap is the answer! This natural solution doesn’t cause any side effect, and it will help you expel mucus from your lungs, treat sore throat and clogged sinuses.

Honey Wrap Recipe


  • Raw, Organic Honey
  • Coconut Oil
  • Flour
  • Adhesive Medical Tape
  • Napkin

How to prepare it?

Mix a teaspoon of flour and little honey. Then add a little bit of warmed coconut oil, and mix everything until you get smooth mixture. Apply this on a napkin and place it on your chest by using an adhesive medical tape. You should feel big improvement after the first treatment.

Note: Adults can keep this wrap overnight, and children should not keep it more than 2-3 hours.