This Is Terrifying! Be Careful When Entering The Car And Starting The Air Conditioning!

The main reason why you should not turn the air conditioning right after opening your car is connected to health reasons. When the vehicle is parked under a shadow, it produces from four hundred to eight hundred milligrams of gasoline. The gasoline, also known as benzoyl, is a colorless liquid with a sweet smell which is easily soluble in water and is mixed with air. Besides all of this, it is easily flammable.

This Is Terrifying! Be Careful When Entering The Car And Starting The Air Conditioning!

It is used in plastic production, in the production of explosives, in colors, but also as a solution. When the temperatures outside are high, the amount of produced gasoline in the car reaches up to 4000 milligrams, which is even 40 times more than the allowed amount according to the rules.

This means that if after entering the car, the windows are closed, we are directly exposed to inhaling large quantities of gasoline and with this we cause damage to the kidneys, the liver and the bones.

The worst thing in all of this is that our body cannot easily get rid of this toxic substance and eliminate it from the organism, so a big part of it stays inside our bodies.

The question is the following: what can we do regarding this problem?

Before you enter the car, put the windows down, or open the door completely and let good air stream on the insides, for at least two to five minutes. After that, you can turn on the air conditioning and eliminate the toxins that have been piling up.