Diabetes is a serious disease that strikes numerous people all over the plant, and it is caused by the inability of our body to use insulin properly or the lack of it. These leaves can help you keep sugar levels right where you want them.

Some of The Diabetes Symptoms
- Itching around the penis or vagina
- Blurred vision
- Urinating more often than usual, especially at night
- Feeling very tired
- Cuts or wounds that heal very slowly
- Feeling very thirsty
- Unexplained weight loss
There is also blindness, heart disease, kidney failure, and others.
Types of Diabetes
Diabetes 1 is also called juvenile diabetes. where the immune system attacks and destroys the beta cells (in the pancreas) that produce insulin.
Diabetes 2 is also called as an adult-onset diabetes, and it happens when our body is unable to use insulin or if there is a lack of it.
Gestational diabetes happens in the pregnancy and it can especially happen in the second trimester of pregnancy.
One of the best remedies to keep your blood levels in the normal state is to use mango leaves. They have many health properties.
Mango leaves are full of vitamins, enzymes, antioxidants, and minerals. You can treat all kind of health problems with them, from diarrhea, asthma, fever, cold, to insomnia. They will lover your blood pressure and blood vessels.
Remedy with Mango Leaves
Use 10-15 mango leaves, boil them in a glass water and leave them overnight. In the morning stain the liquid and consume it on an empty stomach. Drink this solution over the course of 2-3 months.
You can also dry mango leaves and ground them and take half a teaspoon of the powder twice a day.