There are many herbs in nature that thanks to their properties have a really strong impact on human health.

Preparation of teas, makes them have multiple properties – hydrating, refreshing, heating up or cooling down the organism, at the same time healing and preventing many diseases.
Green Tea
It is famous as one of the best known, most appreciated and healthiest teas.
Improves the metabolism, helps with high blood pressure, offers protection from heart attack and strokes, prevents diabetes, Alzheimer and Parkinson’s disease.
Regular consumption lowers the risk from many cancer types.
Research has shown that the katehin antioxidant, a part of green tea, can destroy bacteria and viruses that cause throat infections, stop caries and other dental problems.
Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties help with premature aging of the skin.
Black Tea
Protects the lungs from damage caused by cigarette smoke. Strengthens the bones and prevents arthritis appearance. Boosts the metabolism, the immunity and it stimulates blood circulation.
Lowers the risk of stroke, diabetes and many cancer types.
Research has proved that 5 cups of black tea a day lowers the risk from stroke for 70%.
White Tea
It is efficient against cancer, especially colon cancer, prostate and stomach cancer.
Prevents appearance of blood clusters, lowers the blood pressure, improves the function of the blood veins and protects the body from heart attack and stroke.
Strengthens the bones and prevents arthritis appearance and osteoporosis, helps in maintaining the health of the skin and teeth.
It boosts the metabolism and helps with weight loss. This tea is a natural killer of bacteria and viruses. It strengthens the immune system, contributing towards protection from many diseases.
According to many experts, it can ease HIV symptoms.
Oolong Tea
Keeps the heart health from diseases that are consequence of inflammatory processes in the organism, it strengthens the bones.
It takes care of the teeth health, of beauty and healthy skin.
It speeds up the metabolism and fat burning. It increases energy levels and improves the memory.
Chamomile Tea
Favorite of all generations, present in every household, it has been found to have anti-inflammatory properties which help in fighting bacteria like Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans.
It is also very effective with gastrointestinal cramps, ulcers and inflammatory problems like for example arthritis. Helpful with menstrual pain too.
It lowers the temperature, helping with cold and fever. Apigenin is responsible for the relaxing properties of the chamomile.
It keeps the skin healthy, preventing premature aging. Chamomile compress help in wound healing and are great for treating eye infections and elimination of dark circles under the eyes.
Bath with added chamomile tea will help with constipation, hemorrhoids, stomach issues and bladder inflammation.
Washing the hair with chamomile tea contributes towards healthier hair.
Rosehip Tea
It is full of vitamin C and oxidants. Most commonly used for strengthening the immunity and dealing with flu and colds. It cleans the respiration tract. It is very useful for prevention of premature aging and it stimulates production of new cells.
Elderberry Tea
This tea helps in boosting the immune system, treating colds, flu, coughs, painful sinuses, fever, lung inflammation, ear inflammation, headaches etc.
It is useful in treating degenerative diseases and cancer prevention.
It helps with expectoration and cleaning the airways. Furthermore, it has detoxifying, laxative and diuretic effect.
Blueberry Tea
It has diuretic and detoxifying properties. It eases the problems with airways and nerve composition. It is famous as being very good in treating urinary infections, especially with treating Escherichia coli infections.
Its antibacterial action is especially appreciated with treating diseases that are caused by bacteria (ex. nephritis and cystitis).
Cranberry Tea
This herb has been used for ages to treat infections of the bladder, the kidneys and the urinary tract.
Research shows that cranberry contains properties that stop accumulation of infective microorganisms on the cells. It is specifically effective in treating Escherichia coli, Helicobacter pylori and Candida albicans.
It prevents arteriosclerosis, heart diseases and some cancer types. It helps with rheumatism and arthritis.
It slows down the aging process, strengthens the memory and makes the organism stronger.