Few years ago there was a man who got diagnosed with high blood pressure and sugar. These two conditions require regular therapy treatment. Fortunately, he found out about this beverage that to everyone’s surprise cured his diabetes.

He ruled out conventional medicine, converting to natural treatment including lots of raw fruits and veggies. The result was astonishing!
Everything started by unusual thirst that he was experiencing, and when he went to the doctor he was informed that his sugar level was twenty nine, his pancreas wasn’t doing its job. This meant he would always have to take insulin or else he wouldn’t be alive.
He got a prescription and started taking insulin and was regularly exercising. After awhile he did not get better, on the contrary – he started getting hit by other problems regarding the health and the piles of medications he had to take.
He was getting very frustrated and made a New Year’s Resolution to solve his problems with his health. After quality research, watching interviews with doctors etc., he decided to start a regime with eating raw fruit and veggies.
During the first week, he had his times of weakness, but he stayed strong and it was not long until he noticed the first results, noting that his sugar level decreased to five.
This natural food regime helped him like no medication did. He stopped taking insulin, closely following the situation and discovering that the sugar levels were stable. He also started losing weight! In less than a month he lost 23lbs! In four months the doctors were surprised to see the new version of this man. He felt healthy and he WAS healthy!
Recipe for the best juice:
- Five bananas
- A handful of kale
- Two kiwis
- Two apples
Mix the ingredients in a bowl, adding about 17 oz. of water.
Consume half of the juice in the morning and continuously drink a bit by bit from the rest during the day.
Caution, though! If you want to do this healthy regime, make sure you eat fresh fruit and tuna too since it is full with Vitamin B12, necessary for the organism to function.
Furthermore, your brain will get think you have eaten and you won’t feel hunger.