This Creature Is Appearing All Around the United States and Here Is What You Need to Know About It

There are some animals around us that are very dangerous even though we don’t notice them. That is the case with New Guinea flatworm.

This Creature Is Appearing All Around the United States and Here Is What You Need to Know About It

If you live or you are planning to visit Southwest Florida, then be aware that in this area lives dangerous creature.

In the year of 2015, scientists spotted flatworm and later on found the same creature in Cape Coral. Some experts claim that it came to Florida with plants or products from the South Pacific.

How to Recognize Flatworm

This creature has dark color and orange stripe down its back. People are seeing it very often around their homes and environmental scientist from Florida, Christopher McVoy saw one in his driveway.

This worm can pass the infection to people through rats and mice, and when it comes to infection, it is so dangerous that it can damage human’s spinal cord and brain.

New Guinea flatworm is very dangerous and they can kill snails, lizards or even small animals. So if you see one, take a photo of it and then call the authorities. Because they are so dangerous, researchers are trying to prevent spreading elsewhere in Florida.