Aloe Vera is one of the healthiest plants on the planet and it can be divided into two basic products – latex and gel. This plant is great for various purposes and once you try it, it will turn into an everyday healthy habit.

Aloe Vera gel is a jellylike substance that you can take off the leaves and as for the Aloe Vera latex (or Aloe Vera juice), it is a yellow extract from the pericyclic tubules that are placed under the outer skin of the leaves. It can be used also a laxative.
It is important to make a clear separation because some aloe latex can be found in some aloe gels. The best thing would be to have really clear aloe gel because aloe latex acts as a laxative. The best way to find great aloe gel is to gather it right from a broken leaf of a plant.
You can use this gel for a variety of skin problems, such as minor burns, wounds, and skin irritations. Many skin care products contain this plant in them. Besides that, you can also use it for coughs, ulcers, cancer, arthritis, and even constipation.
Aloe Vera in Your Garden
You can even grow it in your garden, and it is easy. It needs occasional watering, just a bit of fertilization and sunlight. Just make sure you are using organic and natural products while growing it. When you want to make a gel, just break the leaf and there it is!
Topical Uses of Aloe Vera:
- Treats acne and eczema
- Reduces rashes, boils, and other skin irregularities
- Helps burns heal
- Stops bug bites irritation and itching
- Hydrates the skin
- Fills in wrinkles
- Heal wounds
- Serves as a hair conditioner and shampoo against hair loss
- Makes up a perfect shaving gel
Internal uses of Aloe Vera:
- Regulates the blood sugar
- Boosts the immune system
- Protects the gums and keeps them healthy
- Helps with reducing heartburn and indigestion
- Improves the heart’s work and the blood’s quality
- Encourages the production of white blood cells
- Prevents digestive disorders such as bloating, constipation, IBS and colitis, and soothes the stomach
- Diminishes the risk for arthritis inflammation
- Strengthens the urinary tract performance
The first people who used this plant were Egyptians and later on Aloe Vera became an ultimate plant for various health problems. So, one of the best decisions you can make is to grow this plant in your garden.