Dates are one of the greatest food when it comes to cholesterol, heart attack and other serious health diseases.

You can use dates against all kind of problems, such as high blood pressure, cholesterol, and stroke. If you want to learn more about main health benefits of dates, just keep reading:
Regulates the Weight
You can eat dates in the morning on the empty stomach because they burn the excess fat in your body. Even though they don’t contain cholesterol, they are full of sugar, so don’t eat too much.
Regulates Cholesterol
Eating dates will reduce the levels of bad cholesterol and keep your blood vessels clean, which will prevent cardiovascular problems.
Prevent Stroke
Potassium is a very important mineral that boosts our health and prevents stroke, and since dates contain it, you should eat them. You need about 400 mg of potassium per day to keep your heart healthy, so eat dates as often as you can.
Prevent Diarrhea
Potassium also regulates the intestinal flora and thus prevents diarrhea and other problems with stomach.
Prevents Constipation
Just like diarrhea, you can prevent constipation too. You will need to soak a handful of dates overnight and then eat them in the morning and the problem will be solved.
Strengthen Your Heart
Put several dates in a water, and leave them overnight. Strain them in the morning and pit the seeds and eat them. It will keep your heart strong and prevent problems with health.
Iron Rich Dates
Dates are full of iron, and iron is great for pregnant women, anemia, and children. Did you know that 100g of dates has 0.9 mg of iron, which is about 11% of daily recommended dosage? Iron has a role in the production of red blood cells and hemoglobin, so it is important to have plenty of it.