Why Is Yoga So Amazing?

Yoga represents connecting with our true being. No matter which way you chose, or which technique you employ – the goal is always the same – cognition, self–knowledge, awareness and connection to the divine, which is actually the true being.

Why Is Yoga So Amazing?

The yoga is one of the six basic system of the Indian thoughts known under the common name Darsana, a word whose origin is from the Sanskrit word “drs” which means “to see”. According to this, darsana means sight, vision, view, attitude and creative way of seeing things. The six basic darsana are: nyaya, vaiseshika, sankhya, yoga, mimamsa and Vedanta. It is considered that yoga has its origin in the Sanskrit word yuj, which means to connect, to come together. According to this, yoga represents connection with the true being. The other meaning of yoga is connecting to the mind, which means directing the thoughts towards yoga practice, before you start it. The other meaning is to reach something that was previously unreachable. When we find a way to turn this wish into action, then yoga happens. Actually, every change is yoga. There are few types of yoga:

Ha-Tha yoga – this is the yoga most of us know and practice. It consists of a posture (asana) and exercises which balance the movements with the breathing, as well as breathing exercises (pranajama) which are mainly practiced in seating position. This type of yoga helps in reaching balance level which has a positive influence over the mental health.

Gjana – yoga of reasoning and insight. This type of yoga requires deep experience from life and above all, clean heart. If you engage in this type of yoga before a previous preparation, it can be dangerous for your spiritual development. Realization of, for example, the things that were experienced, could lead an individual into a condition of apathy, depression and meaninglessness.

Karma yoga – represents yoga in action and it encompasses unselfish work and activity that are not motivated by rewards. Each of us looks for a certain award and recognition for the investment of effort, but this is not in the spirit of this type of yoga. However, this does not have to mean that we need to allow others to undeservedly use our energy. The best things is to develop an attitude of reconciliation on time, of wakefulness, of good-heartedness and of spontaneity in every action, until this becomes a habit. That is how we can gradually free ourselves from the negative things that attract negative situation. The attitude of Karma yoga is a reminder that everything that happens to us in life is what is best for us and our soul.

Bhakti is a type of yoga directed towards God. Those that practice it try to act, feel and think in way of maintaining the awareness towards God. Psychologically, this yoga is a great method to balance the excessive rigidity and connection for the intellect. This yoga is of great help for elimination of the intellectual “stagnation” and a powerful tool for freeing of the emotions. Today, people are very closed, they rarely allow themselves to freely express, the rarely smile and feel.

Raja yoga in translation means royal yoga and it represents a spiritual way that leads towards realization through discipline, self-refraining and uncompromised control of the mind. With an everyday exercise (concentration, meditation and self-observance) and development of the internal attitude for non-relation (vairagya), freedom of suffering (moksha) could be reached.

Besides these types of yoga, there are others too, like Nada yoga – directing to the internal sound, Krija yoga – reaching the consciousness through the psychologic canals and the energetic centers, Mantra yoga which uses sound as a method of cleaning the mind and freeing the suppressed feelings, Jantra yoga is directed towards awakening the energy within ourselves, broadening the consciousness, Kundalini yoga is continuation of Hatha yoga because it attempts to open the energetic canals – the chakras with its techniques.