Be Wise, Get Advised

From time to time we all receive some health advice’s from our friends,relatives. So, we decided to put them into single Premium collection only the best of them

Be Wise, Get Advised


  • Sleeping – Get enough sleep. 8 hours if you can.
  • Teeth -Take care of your teeth, they don’t grow back.
  • Dental hygiene – Floss like Nike, just do it.
  • Intimate life – Wear a condom. Every time. Seriously
  • Exercise – No exercise-activity, no matter how “easy”, is worse than nothing.
  • Hydration – Drink plenty of water.
  • Healthy food – Eat real food. Plenty of fruit and vegetables. Eat a little, but often.
  • Addiction – Don’t smoke. Stay away from all drugs.
  • Hair style – Don’t mess too much with your hair, or by the time you’re 40, it will look 85.
  • Portion control – Maintain portion control – don’t over eat.


  • Recreation – Go outside, ride a bike or take a walk
  • Be positive – Practice healthy and positive thoughts.
  • Counseling – It can be a dentist, eye doctor, therapist, psychologist … we could all benefit from having a trained counselor to talk to
  • Hygiene – Wash your hands.
  • Self control – Watch your sugar and salt intake